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Class 3 2024 - 2025

Mr Pritchard

Class 3 Teacher, Art Subject Leader, Science Subject Leader and French Subject Leader


Mrs Webster

Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Class 3 (Years 3 and 4)


Our topic this term is 

The Anglo Saxons

- see below for medium term plan. 



PE kit - white T-shirt, black shorts and joggers, school jumper/fleece, trainers/pumps plus lightweight waterproof coat/jacket. This is to be worn on a Monday.



We will be swimming each Friday afternoon until half term. The children will need their swimming kit and towel every Friday.

The children will be able to come into school wearing their PE kit as most find it easier to change out of this.


Reading at Home  

It is vitally important to develop strong home school links when your child is learning to read, we want to encourage a real love and passion for reading!

We will ask all parents/carers to sign their child's reading record with a small comment on their progress.

Remeber to strive for five!  We want everyone reading at home five nights a week.




Homework includes children reading up to 10 pages a night in Year 4, learning times tables on TTRS for 10 minutes each night, and weekly spellings.


Spelling Homework

Spellings are given out on a Friday. Blue spellings books are to be completed daily and Pink sentence books are to be returned the following Wednesday at the latest.  

Blue book

  • Practice spellings each night
  • Look – cover – write
  • Bring in everyday

Pink book

  • Write 6 Sentences using 6 words from spellings list
  • Find definition and use in a sentence
  • Bring in Wednesday

spelling homework.png

Please find the Year 3 and 4 spelling list below, which children need to be able to spell by the end of Year 4.


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