Class 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Platt
Class 2 teacher, Assistant Headteacher, SENDCO, History Subject Leader and ICT Subject leader.
The class Teaching Assistant is Mrs Horsefield:
A big warm welcome
Class 2's topic for the spring term is .......
Please click the link below to view the Medium Term Plan. Please click the file tabs above for information on specific subjects such as phonics and spelling etc
Children to come into school dressed in their P.E Kits on a Friday.
Reading at Home
It is vitally important to develop strong home school links when your child is learning to read, we want to encourage a real love and passion for reading! On their journey of learning to read children:
- will need to practise their phonic sounds, common exception words and keywords from their book/homework each night
- will have two home books, one which they can read to you and one which you can read to them
If children are readers they will choose a variety of books.
We will ask all parents/carers to sign their child's reading record with a small comment on their progress.
Every Friday a homework task will be set on Class Dojo, with the phonics sounds and spelling words we have been working on in class that week to consolidate learning.
There will also be an optional homework on the sheet which is related to the current topic, it could have a Design Technology, History or Geography theme etc
All the homework tasks should be uploaded or returned by the following Wednesday.