We currently have one Parent Governor vacancy & nominations to fill this role will take place from Friday, 3rd March 2023 until the deadline of Monday, 20th March 2023
To nominate yourself for this role, or to nominate another Parent, with their permission, please read the attached document; 'Maintained schools - Qualifications and disqualifications to serve as a school Governor' then print & complete the attached 'Nominations letter & form' document and return to the School Office ahead of the 20th March deadline.
What Governors Do
Welcome to the area of the website that introduces our governors, and the work that we do with the school.
Our main role is to provide support to the Head Teacher and the staff, and we are often known as the school’s ‘critical friend’. At the start of each year, the governing body sets the targets for the school and we monitor the progress of all the children in the school, to ensure that they are all doing well towards being the very best that they can.
Our statutory duties include:
- Setting the vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Providing both support and challenge to the headteacher;
- Monitoring and evaluating the progress of all the children in the school;
- Ensuring that the school budget is set and that the very best use is made of the money available; and
- Making sure that the school is a safe environment for the children and that all the requirements relating to safeguarding are fulfilled.
We meet at least once each term to review how we did as a governing body in the last term and to set out our targets for the new year and how we will work with the school to ensure they are achieved.
The Governing Body at Aston by Sutton
Mrs Kim Davies (Co-Chair/Co-opted) 08/02/19 - 11/02/2027
Mr John Baldacchino (Vice Chair/LA Governor) 26/03/2012 to 26/07/2025
Mrs Hilary Jones (Associate Member) 08/05/12 to 12/09/2024
Miss Kathryn Wright (Co-opted) 14/10/15 to 19/06/2023
Mrs Tina Horsefield (Staff) 21/06/2014 to 27/11/2026
Mrs Sara Griffiths (Co-Chair/Parent/Chair of Committees) 04/05/2021 - 03/05/25
Mrs Laura Walker (Parent) 28/03/2023 - 27/03/2027
Mrs Jackie Rice (Co-opted) 13/07/2023 - 12/07/2027
Mrs Chelsea Houghton (Co-opted) 30/11/2023 - 29/11/2027
Mrs Anna Plant (Head Teacher)
Register of Interests: None