Early Years
Welcome to Early Years at Aston
Take a look at our Class 1 page - you will find our curriuculm plans and lots of useful information.
We would love to answer any questions you may have, so drop us an email, call the office or arrange a look around.
Respect – Inspire – Achieve
Through EYFS all of our learners have the opportunity to reflect our Values of Respect – Inspire – Achieve by
Respect - We respect and care for each other using good manners. We respect all of our equipment, we listen and respect others' ideas. We are kind and helpful, we follow rules and are honest.
Inspire - We are inspired by the work of others and our own work, we inspire others by sharing our methods and ideas with them, we take on challenges and are positive about our learning. We are enthusiastic and creative.
Achieve - We push ourselves to achieve the very best that we can, we strive to achieve more each day. We are motivated to achieve success.