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The School Day at Aston

The school day at Aston:

8:30am doors open and Class 3 and 4 come into school

8:35am doors open and Class 1 and 2 come into school

8:40 Class 3 and 4's register is taken. 

8:45 Class 1 and 2's register is taken.

Any absences need to be reported by 9:15am.

10:10am - Break time.  Snacks are available for parents to purchase in advance.

10:30am - The second session starts.

12pm - 12:30pm - Children in Classes 1-4 have a staggered start to lunch.

1:00pm - Lunch ends and children return for their afternoon sessions.

2:15pm Some classes have a 15 minute break. 

3:10pm Class 3 and 4's school day ends

3:15pm Class 1 and 2's school day ends

Children can attend after school clubs, Kids Activity World out of hours club or go home.

Children are in school for a total of 32.5 hours per week. Children in Classes 1 and 2 must be in school from 8:45am - 3:15pm. Children in Classes 3 and 4 must be in school from 8:40am - 3:10pm.

Kids Activity World are open from 7:30am to 6pm - please contact them directly to arrange for out of school hours access to their club.

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