Class 2: Gallery
PE Team Games, by Miss Platt
World Book Day Padlet 2023, by Miss Platt
Welly Wednesday, by Miss Platt
History - The Great Fire of London, by Miss Platt
Geography - Seven Continents and Five Oceans, by Miss Platt
Maths, by Miss Platt
DT - Sliders and Levers, by Miss Platt
Science - Floating and Sinking, by Miss Platt
Science - Materials, by Miss Platt
Burwardsley 2023, by Miss Platt
The Curious Case of The Missing Mammoth, by Miss Platt
Class Dojo Reward Day, by Miss Platt
PHSE Families, by Miss Platt
Welly Wednesday, by Miss Platt
Fruit Salad, by Miss Platt
Addition and Subtraction Revision, by Miss Platt
Phonics, by Miss Platt
British Science Week March 2021, by Miss Platt
Grow your Own Potatoes Competition, by Miss Platt
Maths - Measuring in CM, by Miss Platt
English, by Miss Platt
Maths - Place Value Year 2, by Miss Platt
Maths - Year 1, by Miss Platt
Welly Wednesday Autumn 2020, by Miss Platt
Welly Wednesday, by Miss Platt